Key Benefits of iLamp Technology include:
Improved Safety: Enhanced illumination protects pedestrians, cyclists, road, and public transportation users, reducing road and traffic accidents.
Crime Reduction: Studies show that improved street lighting can halve outdoor index crime in a neighborhood, making public spaces usable after dark.
Community Engagement: Better lighting encourages social activities, commerce, and interactions after dark, fostering a sense of community and improving quality of life.
Increased Property Values: Street lighting correlates with increased property values, with even a 1% reduction in crime leading to a 0.5% to 1% increase in property values.
Environmental Friendliness: iLamp is designed to be extremely robust, easy to install and maintain, and environmentally friendly. Its self-powered, off-grid capabilities ensure a reliable and secure light source unaffected by external conditions.
About Conflow Power Group:
Conflow Power Group is a global technology aggregator with extensive manufacturing capabilities and years of experience in product development and electronics. Their flagship product, iLamp, integrates a variety of smart city applications, making it the most comprehensive streetlighting solution available. The company continually enhances iLamp’ s capabilities, ensuring it remains at the forefront of smart city technology.
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